Terrorism is the use of violence by a small group of people to get its demands fulfilled. Every morning we read in the newspapers about the cruel acts of terrorism committed by terrorists. Sometimes it is a murder of a number of innocent persons, sometimes it is murder of the some eminent leader or journalist. Reports of bomb explosions on the crowded platforms or in the main markets of the big cities are often heard and seen. Fish plates are removed from railway tracks causing many railway accidents. No person is safe these days due to this great evil of terrorism.

Terrorism is an outcome of some people's selfish motives. There are some narrow minded people who on regional, linguistic and other basis want to divide our nation into small compartments. They want to establish their supremacy. Nowadays some of the politicians are also responsible for increasing terrorism. They don't want the problems to be sorted out. Due to lack of ethics in Indian politics, vote banks of different parties exist on the basis of caste, creed, religion etc. Hence they want the problems to continue.

Terrorism is growing day by day. Thousands of innocent persons have met their tragic end in the Punjab due to it. In many other places also besides the Punjab, the terrorists have made life a hell for people. The terrorists caused serious train accidents in Tamil Nadu and Kerala. Communal terrorism has appeared again in the new shape. Thus the terrorists throw bombs on peaceful religious processions in order to create terror and disturb the normal life. Such acts are harmful to the society. People are so terrified that they hesitate in going out of their houses. They fear to assemble in the marriage parties. Man has lost faith in man. We are afraid of travelling in the aeroplanes due to these terrorists.

If we want to live in peace, we should face terrorism boldly. Government should take the strongest action against these people as they are the greatest enemies of the human society. Peace and prosperity can prevail if terrorism is ended. To make the world free from terrorism and make it a happier place to live in we have to rise above all narrow loyalties. Not only in terrorism affected areas but in the other parts also routine and higher activities of mankind get disrupted. Every year lot of money, energy and time is spent on it so the governments of such countries should take some decisive actions to root out the problem of terrorism on permanent basis.

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