The sound of moving water has always thrilled people. Ever wondered how nice it would be to have a fountain in your own garden or on a table-top inside your home. The very thought of it is exciting. So, here is a step-by-step approach to designing your own garden fountain, along with some safety tips.


 To start this project, the following materials are needed:

 1. A pump with a discharge adapter (“pipe”) of about 12-15 inches.

 2. A small rubber hose pipe (if the adapter on the pump is short).

 3. A large pot (or a fountain pot).

 4. A small flower pot.

 5. Cobblestones/medium-sized pebbles (Approx. 20-30).

 6. Small water plants (to give a more natural look to the fountain).


The above materials can be purchased from a home depot store or a hardware store. Cobblestones or pebbles are available in many wholesale nurseries.


Step1.  Keep the large pot (or the fountain pot) at a place where the fountain needs to be installed. The base needs to be deep enough to keep the pump completely inside. The pot should not have any sort of opening that could lead to leakage.


Step2. Take a flower pot with a small hole at the base so that the hose pipe can be run through it. Now, attach one end of the hose pipe to the discharge adapter on the pump and feed the other end through the hole. Keep aside.


Step3. Fill the fountain pot with water and put the pump, with the hose pipe securely attached, into the water. Place the pump at a desired location, preferably a little towards a corner of the pot.


 Step4. Put the cobble stones/pebbles all round the inside of the fountain pot. Also, include a few water plants, if available, to give an attractive look to the fountain.


Step5. Take the flower pot (through which the hose pipe runs) and let it rest on the stones. The visible portion of the hose pipe can be concealed with cobble stones.


The fountain is now ready. Switch on the pump to see the water spilling out from the flower pot onto the stones in the fountain pot, thus creating a wonderful fountain in your own garden! The final set-up would look like this:


Tips for safety and maintenance:

1. Always keep the pump submerged in the water, or else the pump might get damaged due to overheat. Disconnect the pump from the power source before cleaning it.


2. Place the fountain on a stable and level surface, because fountains, especially outdoor ones, are susceptible to movement due to ground moisture and climatic changes.


3. Also, ensure that the electrical supply line to the water pump is suited for use in moist areas, and is GFCI-protected to avoid potential electrical shocks.


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