Words of wisdom

Empty promises are like empty vessels. They contain nothing but make a lot of sound.

Most value to the promise man. It is great man work. Don’t miss your promise. Do finish it without fail. That great is credit to you.


In olden days

During the first Punic war when Rome was challenged by Carthage for the supremacy of the Mediterranean, Attilius Regulus, a Roman nobleman was taken prisoner.

After a long struggle, the Carthaginians seeing that the war was to ending, sought for peace with the Romans. They sent Attilius as their messenger of peace to Rome. Before, however, letting him go, they asked him to taken an oath that he would to secure just terms of peace.

Attilius entered Rome with great eagerness and was soon surrounded by his ones who wept for joy.

At the height of this happiness Attilius remembered his oath. He urged the Romans to continue the fight to the bitter end. He prepared to go back to Carthage as he had not secured peace. He wanted to keep his word. His wife, children and friends tried to dissuade him for returning to the enemy, but he replied. ``Do you wish me to suffer dishonor? I know a cruel death awaits me on my return. But that is nothing compared to the dishonor that will befall me if I fail to keep my oath. It is better that I return to the Carthaginian prison than that my Roman name should be held in disrepute. Goodbye! I wish only to accomplish my duty, the rest I leave to the Gods’’. Attilius returned to Carthage and, as foreseen, he was put to a most cruel death, by the enemy.

It is not good to make false promises. Always try to fulfill whatever you have promised. It is always seen that in order to get the thing they want, people readily agree and promise anything. But once they get their desire object they will forget all about the promise they have made. People who behave in this manner lose the faith of all. Nobody believes in them.

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