My home ``Home is the word that gives solace to each and every soul in this universe. It carries love and life the people living away from their homes. It’s rightly said `east or west, home is the best’. Like every fortunate child I have my loving parents and one brother. My mother is the affection personified. My father is caring as well as disciplined man. I have tremendous regard for both of them. I ever my mother gets angry with me, I feel restless till I make my mother happy again my father is a quiet person but at times when he has spare time, he plays with us and tell us many interesting stories. He has laid very strong moral foundations of our character. And my brother is cutest creature I love ever seen. He is so small but he is quite capable of expressing his concern for me. His giggles make me laugh even when I am in serious mood. When I think of my home, I am filled with gratitude to god. May god bless them all!

`Child is the father of man’- this statement by the great romantic poet William Wordsworth, has great dimensions of meaning childhood is that blissful stage of life where man’s heart is crystal clean of any superficiality and evil intentions. The innocence and simplicity of a child is without any impressions of the social influence. They are blissfully ignorant of the difference between good and bad, truth and lie; the differences which are fed to them by the society. In this manner, they are more mature and `adult’ than a full grown man. The adults can learn from children the natural innocence, simplicity and love for each and every thing they come in contact with. In the present society suffocated with violence, wars, artificiality and malignant lies, children can be a live source of inspiration and human values. They can teach us to be a better human being to create a better world to live in.

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