Here are some photographs of world's rarest birds.;_ylt=AodZPf2S3Bg7.BUKfa2Fq8ZzWMcF;_ylu=X3oDMTE4bjBhbjNsBHBvcwMxMARzZWMDeW5fc2xpZGVzaG93BHNsawNhcGljdHVyZW9mYW4-#photoViewer=/ydownload/20110304/photos_net_web_sc/1299298215
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Recently I heard that the mobile towers are also adding to endangering of some birds.

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This is the first time i am seeing these birds. I was unaware that these birds are in this universe.
Day by day we are losing these special species of birds and animals... Human is capturing their spaces...
When birds extinct naturally there will be no spread of forests !Yes, it is true.

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This is the first time i am seeing these birds. I was unaware that these birds are in this universe.
Really feels very bad when we hear about a particular bird or animal is on the verge of extinction...Sometimes climatic changes, lack of space or human activities are the results for the decreasing in their numbers...
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