How long you will live. This is a tricky question. Answering this is bread and butter of palmists and astrologers.

But now there is scientific way to know this. Blood test will reveal your longevity.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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i m immortal B)
I am a Coder and Blogger.
Currently pursuing my engineering degree and will be a software engineer in 2013..

Gulshan ji,science may advance in its technology and new found ways;but we donot know what lies ahead-will we be struck with a natural disaster? or someone will hurt us? or we will get heart attack? all these questions are unanswerable by science!

Swetha Shenoy
i dont think so it will work out !!!!!! no matter how much science developes it always in the hands of god to give birth and bring an end to a just relax and take life as it comes ..

Gulshan ji,science may advance in its technology and new found ways;but we donot know what lies ahead-will we be struck with a natural disaster? or someone will hurt us? or we will get heart attack? all these questions are unanswerable by science!

I think natural death can be predicted on basis of a man's current health, mentality and life style. This is like predicting life of machine, bridge, motor car and other equipments.

Events like accident, murder, suicide and calamities are unforeseen and an exception is to be made. This is also like life expectancy of machinery, motor cars etc that may be affected by accidents, fire breakout etc.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Everyone will wish to know this.Very interesting.Thank you for sharing.
People might be due to their eagerness try to know about their life tenure through this blood test but this should not be taken as something very serious because this will add to the level of frustration then doing any good but then it might have its own advantages in some rare cases when it would be essential to determine the length of a persons life...
Blood test may only reveal life expectancy if one dies natural death. There are many advantages of us not knowing exact time of death. If we came to know, employment, marriage, financial decisions all will be affected. Life insurance business will be badly affected. Marriages will also be affected. A woman will desert a man likely to die soon and may look for another person with more longevity.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Birth, death, marriage, no one can tell when it happens, but God

If we have healthy life, then we can live longer.
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