As per the year 2011, which country has the World's largest network?

1) United States
2) China
3) India
4) Pakistan
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It`s 1)United states 212,433 KM
2)Russia 87,157 KM
3)China 67,524 KM
4)India 63,694 KM
I thought it would be India. Thanks to sathish for sharing the answer..
I also thought that it is india,who is having the biggest railway network. Its really surprise.I wonder, "HUM EK CHEESE ME BHI NAHI AAGE"

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I am surprised to see india in the last as we have different zones too. Anyhow lets hope the network improves in coming years.
united state is on the number one poistion.
united states and china are on doubt.
I think the usa has the largest railway network because it is the big one

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It`s 1)United states 212,433 KM
2)Russia 87,157 KM
3)China 67,524 KM
4)India 63,694 KM

India has only 63,694KM of railway network???It is not correct.

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India has yet to penetrate many parts which are untouched.USA certainly has the best infrastructure in the world leading to the longest railway network.

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It`s 1)United states 212,433 KM
2)Russia 87,157 KM
3)China 67,524 KM
4)India 63,694 KM

India has only 63,694KM of railway network???It is not correct.

I got This information from that site.. Do you know exact Kilometers......
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