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Exactly worrying does nothing good except waste our time and make us stressed by thinking about things instead of worrying one must try to do the actual work. :)
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No solutions come out of worrying. Then why should we worry (with no use)? Stop worrying and start thinking about the possible solutions.

Born to express, not to impress.
i really liked the last part....
keep you busy always while doing nothing....
that's the reason why we are irritated for silly things, while we are in tension

Meera sandhu
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Of course , there is no point n worrying over anything in life ,because what causes the worry will not go away, instead doing something practical about it will definitely help!

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

I agree with what the picture tell us. Worrying just give us more worries and this make the situation more adverse for us.So, its better not to worry and change the situation by forgetting the past and working on the present.

Want to make each day Accountable

I agree. Stop worrying and start doing and enjoy living.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Many of us worry after some age.. is worrying about silly issues comes with age? I feel that worrying is just an emotion that comes naturally..
Many of us worry after some age.. is worrying about silly issues comes with age? I feel that worrying is just an emotion that comes naturally..

better we shall remain as kids. what do you say now Rajani? :cheer: :cheer:
a tension free world full of angels and dreams

Meera sandhu
Many of us worry after some age.. is worrying about silly issues comes with age? I feel that worrying is just an emotion that comes naturally..

better we shall remain as kids. what do you say now Rajani? :cheer: :cheer:
a tension free world full of angels and dreams

Sandhya mam, you are absolutely right. As we grow, we get on tension and worries on our self. Responsibilities of others also comes.

Want to make each day Accountable

I too agree with you @Sandhya and @Ronark may be escaping worrying can be done as a child. But now-a-days the study burden is making them stressful...
Thank you said by: Sandhya Rani
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