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It is very true that people stop looking for any other job after getting a well satisfied job. He becomes happy and feels as if he has won this world. He concentrate more on this work and career. First interview and first job of the whole career is remembered by all.

Your search for the livelihood has come to an end. Now is the time for amassing knowledge. This search for knowledge should not be stopped.

Yes, we should try to put more and more knowledge into our database. But we should ensure that knowledge is complete. Little knowledge is dangerous. :)

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It is very true that people stop looking for any other job after getting a well satisfied job. He becomes happy and feels as if he has won this world. He concentrate more on this work and career. First interview and first job of the whole career is remembered by all.

Your search for the livelihood has come to an end. Now is the time for amassing knowledge. This search for knowledge should not be stopped.

Yes, we should try to put more and more knowledge into our database. But we should ensure that knowledge is complete. Little knowledge is dangerous. :)

Haha, there you are. Whatever you do do it fully. for amassing knowledge true it applies.
Where inspiring quote, as usual, thanks Rambabu for putting it here.

Mala Jaiswar
Quest for knowledge is eternal . It never ends

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Knowlege is a great thing we can learn even we are in death stage.

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Quest for knowledge is eternal . It never ends

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Knowlege is a great thing we can learn even we are in death stage.

Man is an imitative animal. This quality is the germ of all education in him. From his cradle to his grave he is learning to do what he sees others do.

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