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Even if we know about their ideas their goals and circumstances may be all together different from ours.

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Very true.. We should compare our life or others life with someone's else. As all people share different nature they can't move on same way.

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Even if we know about their ideas their goals and circumstances may be all together different from ours.

You are made to accomplish a mission of your own which doesn't match with that of any other
Even if we know about their ideas their goals and circumstances may be all together different from ours.

You are made to accomplish a mission of your own which doesn't match with that of any other

Some times it does but even then being a human we have to look different from others because we have a brain to think for our ownself.

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Obviously everyone is unique. We are not factory products. So, nobody can be compared to other. Many parents indulge in filly of comparing children. This creates issues.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Obviously everyone is unique. We are not factory products. So, nobody can be compared to other. Many parents indulge in filly of comparing children. This creates issues.

Right. Every one is unique in his/her own right
Of course that is the most foolish thing to do and a sure way of making oneself unhappy ! One cannot compare even members within your own family, one's own children too are different with different personality traits and needs...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Of course that is the most foolish thing to do and a sure way of making oneself unhappy ! One cannot compare even members within your own family, one's own children too are different with different personality traits and needs...

This is more true in the case of children. Comparison does an irreparable damage to the child's development.
It's true, not to compare our lives with others, everyone has different experiences in life


Even if we know about their ideas their goals and circumstances may be all together different from ours.

True. under different conditions that might have helped and favoured the other person
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