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A very good way to explain the need for taking breaks for better stress management.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Thank you said by: Mary
Very nicely explained! Nowadays , people are perpetually stressed out for one reason or the other, so they need to know how to manage it as well, it ultimately boils down to a personal level and how well individuals are able to cope !

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Thank you said by: Mary
Absolutely one should not carry his/her burdens continously as the stress may grow up and may have a bad effect on our body :dry: . I always try to leave all my tensions of work place at office and tensions of my home at home and sometime leave them a while and enjoy I think that's the better way to live. :)
Thank you said by: Mary
Very useful information for reduce the stress. Example is also good
Stress is definitely not good for health and should be reduced for sure. This example is really very useful to explain for the people who take stress all the time.
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