During the process of digestion, many wastes accumulate in our Body. These wastes are to be removed from time to time. Otherwise we become victims of serious ailments.



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By eating plenty of fiber food, organic fresh fruits and vegetables we can detox our body easily.

Our ancestors are clean the body by adopting fast in their life. They did not eat anything on the day of Ekadasi and the next day they will eat the food very early. Most of the persons who are suffered by obesity problems are the ones eating withing giving some gap between one meal and other. You can also see some people who are travelling in train will eat something without any interval till their journey.

Drinking plenty of water, preferably with lemon and honey is a good way to detox our body.

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

The best way to detox is to go on fast at least one day per week. This gives adequate rest  to the stomach.

“A mistake is a crash-course in learning” – Billy Anderson

By undergoing naturopathy treatment in Ayurvedic clinics preferably in Kerala. 

Eating just fruits , vegetables and soups and other liquids once in a while is a good way of detoxifying your system, this helps all round and one can see the glow on the skin and hair when it is done regularly..

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Best way to detox is also to drink plenty of water everyday, water can cleanse our body and help us to flush out toxins.

“A mistake is a crash-course in learning” – Billy Anderson

Another way of detoxing our body is also by eating karela or bitter gourd. It detoxes the body and also helps in digestion.

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