Easy ways to conquer anxiety. Anxiety leads to many ailments if not handled in time.

Yoga offers sure cure for overcoming anxiety.



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Very good article. We need to stop worrying for meaningful life. Too many expectations and unconntrolled anger lead to anxiety and physical problems like high blood pressure, hyper tension. 

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Gulshan Kumar Ajmani wrote:

Very good article. We need to stop worrying for meaningful life. Too many expectations and unconntrolled anger lead to anxiety and physical problems like high blood pressure, hyper tension. 


By hurrying and worrying we are damaging our own health, which when once goes away cannot be restored. Health is wealth.


Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani

If we can control our thoughts, we can live a tension-free life. Negative thoughts are the primary cause of our misery. Yoga and meditation will make us healthy, both physically and mentally.

Yoga helps in preventing the negative thoughts, which in turn makes you live in the PRESENT. 

Anxiety, depression impact physical health. It increases chemical reaction to body. It creates inflammation. Weakened immune system of body. Turn anxiety as yours sweet friend. Otherwise dark days would loom large.  


Anxiety is due to failing to live in the present and imagining unfounded fears. Yoga has the potential to handle anxiety effectively.

Anxiety is dangerous but some times it sense you as best friend. 


Anxiety will make you lose the ground and takes you towards ailments. It can never be a friend. It is a health hazard.

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