How To Care For Skin During Winter

Bonfire, hot chocolates, snuggling under a quilt, enjoying the sunshine, playing in the snow - winter brings along with its own forms of merriment. The chilly season not only gives relief from the heat, but also carries the festival of Christmas. Now, who wouldn’t like to bask in the sunrays of winter sun? However, with all the advantages, winter season has its own downturns too. The cold winds can wreak havoc on your beauty, especially when it comes to your soft skin. However, you need not sit indoors throughout the winters, to keep away the skin problems. Rather, start early care for your skin, to be able to really enjoy the winter season. Read on to know how to care for your skin during winter, leaving it smooth and flawless even during the harsh cold.

Winter Skin Care Tips

* Take a lukewarm shower daily, without fail. During winter season too, you need to keep yourself clean and a bath is the best way to keep fresh and hygienic. Use a mild shower gel and avoid harsh and excessively fragrant soaps.
* You need to apply moisturizer just after having a bath, when the skin is still moist. Apply a deep cream-based moisturizer on the whole body. Choose a moisturizer with shea butter or cocoa, for extra protection.
* You can also add a few drops of olive oil or coconut oil to your bathing water, to keep your skin moist and soft.
* You need to exfoliate your skin once a week. Dead cells normally accumulate on the skin during winters and exfoliating them will keep it smooth and clean. Invest in a good brand for the scrub.
* Lips also suffer the brunt of winter and you need to apply balms to keep them from getting chapped. First rub your lips with a gentle toothbrush and then apply the balm. You can even apply mustard oil in your navel every night.
* Wear gloves while you are doing house chores, so as to prevent your hands from getting rough. In addition, you need to apply a good hand cream two to three times in a day.
* The heels get easily cracked during winter season. In order to avoid this condition, apply a foot cream every night and keep the feet cozy in socks.
* Massage your hair and body with warm olive oil once a week. You can undertake massage with coconut oil too. You can rub the oil on your body either at night, before going to bed, or in the morning, before taking a bath.
* Even in the winter season, do not forget to apply sunscreen daily. At the same time, drink lots of water and eat healthy.
* You can also use homemade mask for skin care in winters. Blend avocado with a few drops of olive oil and apply the mixture all over your body, before taking bath. Wash it off after twenty minutes and then take a bath.
* Mix yogurt with grounded almonds and then apply the mixture on your face. Wash it off with lukewarm water, after twenty minutes, and find your skin as good as new.
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