A spoonful of sugar can control anger

High sugar levels seem to help control aggression and prevent loss of temper, so indicates a study.

A spoonful of sugar can control anger

Ohio State University researchers in the US compared the behaviour of sugar-starved volunteers with those who had been given a sweet drink, and concluded the latter were less inclined to snap.

Researchers believe the effect is caused by glucose, a simple sugar found in the bloodstream that provides energy for the brain, reports the journal Aggressive Behaviour.

Study co-author Brad Bushman from Ohio State University said: "Avoiding aggressive impulses takes self control, and self control takes a lot of energy. Glucose provides that energy in the brain", according to the Daily Mail.

"Drinking sweetened lemonade helped provide the short-term energy needed to avoid lashing out at others," Bushman added.
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A spoonful of sugar can control anger

In two published papers, Bushman and colleagues conducted several studies showing that people who have trouble metabolising, or using glucose in their bodies show more evidence of aggression and less willingness to forgive others.

The problem is that the number of people who have trouble metabolising glucose - mainly those with diabetes - is rising rapidly.

"Diabetes may not only harm you - it is bad for society. The healthy metabolism of glucose may contribute to a more peaceful society by providing people with a higher level of energy for self-control," said Bushman.
I drink a glass of water to control anger.Thanks for the research details,Neetu.
Today, anger is viewed as an immature and uncivilized response to frustration, threat, violation or loss. Often, we express our anger in uncontrolled, violent outbursts. Sometimes, when required to give a response, we may fail to express our feeling due to anger, and we keep accumulating those bitter feelings. This can cause severe headaches to us because of tension, and we may on a happy occasion spoil the event with our outbursts.

Anger can spoil a relationship. Being close in any relationship for many years, there may not be peace and harmony throughout. There are bound to be clashes between personalities, priorities, interests and many other things. Being close for a long time, we know the other person’s shortcomings and it becomes very easy for us to criticize and get angry towards them. We begin to blame them for this uncomfortable situation. Showing temper too frequently makes any relation sour and bitter. And slowly the bond begins to break. Through anger and hatred, people can transform their closest of friends into their bitterest enemies.

Anger can cause mental health problems and depression. Angry people do not care of themselves, and may not eat properly, dress for the occasion or work sincerely. They also indulge in self-destructive activities.
How to deal with anger?

It is impossible to fulfill all our desires and to stop unwanted things happening to us. Hence it becomes a necessity to find a way to avoid getting angry.

Psychologists recommend a balanced approach when dealing with anger. This controls your emotions, and allows you to express your feelings in a healthy and less harmful way.

Anger Management Techniques
Here are some simple techniques that can be implemented very easily. Whenever you get into a situation of controlling your anger, just use these tips.

1. Try to calm yourself. Ask yourself, "How will this behavior be of any use to me?"
2. If something happens, and prompts you to get angry, think of the consequences of your angry response. After thinking, you will not act much fiercely, even if a little anger remains.
3. If someone harms you by wrongful deeds, just ask yourself if he did it on purpose. Most often, you’ll find that he had no intentions of causing harm to you.
4. When your anger seems to be raising, just count 1-10, and meanwhile think if your expression of anger will make the situation better. If you want to say something that may make the situation worse, it’s better not to say it.
5. While in anger, thinking about your loved ones and your happiest moments is difficult but it helps to calm down to a great extent. Before trying to calm the situations, calming yourself is the key to handle the tense situation. In any event, it is not a good thing to vent your anger.
Tips to control anger
1. Count to 10 before reacting or leave the situation all together,
2. Do some physically exerting activities like a walk, swim, etc,
3. Soothe yourself, by practicing deep-breathing exercises, visualizing relaxing scenes, listening to music, yoga or read something of your interest.
4. It is very important to express anger as soon as possible. Never be stewed. If you cannot speak to the person who angered you, speak to some trusted person and let your emotions flow.
5. Think carefully before you say anything. It is better not say any anything than to say something regretful,
6. Try to work out solutions with the person who made you angry.
7. void placing blames.
8. Don’t hold any grudges, and forgive the other person.
9. Try to defuse your anger by using humor.
10. Keep an anger log to identify the kinds of situations that got you angry, and how you reacted.

If you are no good at practicing these, role-playing in anger management classes can help you following these.
Quick Tips and Techniques to Control Anger in Children

Before telling the children how to deal with anger, it is very important that you assure them that you love them and are proud of them no matter what and will help them to harness their temper. Here are a few quick anger management tips for children.

* Tell the child to take a deep breath and count till 10. If the anger persists, ask him to count backwards from 10 to 1. This helps in diverting the child's attention and gives him time to calm down.
* Give children alternatives for anger. For example, you can tell your child that if he feels angry, instead of acting aggressively, he should touch his nose or start jumping to vent all that negative pent up physical energy. Or if he is angry because he is not able to do something, tell him to ask for your help immediately.
* Involve the child in creative activities such as dance, music or art. Sometimes a child is not able to express his difficult emotions in words as his communication skills are still developing. By making use of any of these creative mediums, the child can express his feelings in a better way.
* Channelize the child's anger by increasing his physical activities. Take him for a walk in the park or a bike ride. Involve him in sports such as baseball or soccer. Remember to choose activities according to his liking.
* Whenever the child displays good behavior, reward him by taking him out for a movie or compliment him by saying things such as " I appreciate that you have done...." or " thank you for.....". Positive re-enforcement will dissuade him from acting aggressively.
* One of the most effective anger management techniques for kids and teens is yoga. So practice yoga and meditation with your child. Enroll yourself and your child for a yoga class and within days you will see the difference in the both of you. This is one of the most effective anger management tips for parents and children both.
* If for some reason the child is very angry and uncontrollable, you may remove the child physically from the scene. This will help in calming him down.
* Identify with the child so that he does not feel alone. Tell him that you yourself used to get angry very fast before but now you have fully controlled your anger. The child will then feel that it is possible for him to control his anger, too.

Anger management tips for children are most effective if the incorporation of these tips is begun in the pre-adolescent days as a child’s personality is created in the first seven years of his life. When handling angry children, the parents should first ascertain the reason for their anger and then find a solution accordingly. Explaining to a child that controlling anger before it controls you can be quite difficult. However, by following certain anger management techniques for children, you can certainly help them manage their temper.
Anger Management Techniques for Children

* The first and most important anger management technique for children is anger management by the parents. Children learn to express anger in a number of ways from observing their parents express anger. So, to modify this behavior in children you will need to modify your behavior in the first place. Try and avoid expressing anger around your children as much as possible. In fact, if you can present yourself as being calm in tensed situations, the child will benefit a lot from it and behave accordingly, keeping in mind your behavior.
* As parents, you need to help your child recognize that he or she is getting angry frequently or violently and that it is not a good thing for him or her to be that way. Help them soothe their anger and teach them to calm down and relax when they know that unnecessary anger is building up.
* If your child behaves unruly or aggressive, talk to him or her about it instead of scolding or reprimanding. When your child takes a note of your behavior meted out towards him or her, the child's behavior will obviously be in accordance with yours.
* Young children and teenagers need a lot of motivation to avoid developing behavioral problems, especially getting angry. They tend to get a lot more angry because they have many restrictions, do not get things right in the first go and need to demand everything they need. So, motivation and positive reinforcement is very essential for anger management in children.
* Teach your children some techniques to calm down when they start getting angry. Take them away from whatever or whoever is making them angry and teach them a few easy relaxation and deep breathing techniques. Also, they should learn to think well before they act and to consider the person and their feelings before they express anger.
* Children need to learn to apologize and accept an apology as well. Anger can leave behind a lot of resentment and negativity if not resolved appropriately. Therefore, teach children to resolve their problems after they have controlled and overcome their anger
Anger Management Activities for Children

The best way to teach your child to manage his or her anger is to enroll your child with a support group that arranges for group anger management activities for children. These include anger management worksheets for children, questionnaires, role plays and discussions that help cope with anger. This will be especially helpful in case of children who find it very difficult to speak to their parents about their emotions. Your child will get to learn a lot from the experiences and techniques shared by the other children in the group. Read more on how to deal with anger.

You can also teach your child some unique anger management strategies that you think may help them control anger. Anger management for children is very essential to help them cope with this problem and for their healthy and bright future.
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Thanks Neetu for your efforts to douse the fire of anger through sugar!!!
chinmoymukherjee wrote:
[quote]Thanks Neetu for your efforts to douse the fire of anger through sugar!!! [/quote]
I will have to discover something else for angry :angry: diabetes patients........... :laugh: :laugh:
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