You might like to follow some of these simple tips to help you cope with your hiatal hernia.

* When you are having your food, avoid drinking water along with it. Try to drink water some time before or after your meal.
* If you’ve been having three large meals every day, consider eating six smaller meals instead. Also make sure that you have your dinner at least two hours before you go to sleep.
* After you eat a meal, do not lie down immediately. For about an hour, sit up or go for a short stroll to prevent acid reflux.
* It is advisable to avoid bending after you eat a meal. And if you have to bend, try to avoid bending towards the right.
* You must avoid smoking and alcohol if you suffer from hiatal hernia.
* If you feel that you are about to experience heartburn, then pop an antacid.
* When you sleep use a pillow under your head and shoulders to create a slight incline.
* Do not wear very tight clothes that constrict your stomach.
* You can try a GERD diet.
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