Recently,privacy of Mr.Ratan Tata(via Radia phone tape) was leaked by CBI officials in the media and was reprimanded by Supreme Court. The constitutional right was violated. What were your opinion?
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No right is absolute.A right has to be subjected to certain exceptions which overall public interest demands!
Thank you for your answer. Will anybody hire private security agencies and show the private matters of targeted person to the general public.
If one wants to guard his privacy he or she should be conscious enough and our penal laws are sufficient to take care of breach of privacy.A public figure can not and should not allowed to take shelter of privacy when in trouble!!!!!
Today i learnt a new thing about constitution which i never read and heard anywhere. Thank you for this.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Forgive my asking this,but is right to privacy a constitutional right at all?


Right to privacy is not drafted in clear and uncertain terms. This is very vague. See the following link for clear understanding.

It appears that public figures especially politicians and stars are publicity hungry and they themselves invite infringement of their privacy. They want to eat the cake and have it too.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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