Why do you think it is very important thing not to give out your personal information or details on Internet?
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There is no harm in giving such facts as you generally give while filling various forms viz. PAN, exam form etc. You need not give unnecessary details particularly bank particulars, income, relatives' particulars, your secret desires.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I think its better to give your personal details where it really needs.
I think some terrorist teams can misuse our details and can be use to make duplicate passport etc so We should care about personal details.

Santosh Kumar Singh



It is always better to avoid giving your personal information or details to unknown person........
The answer is simple.personal itself means something that is not not shared with anyone..so it is better to not share sensitive personal information which can be misused.
I am really very glad to hear from the members and equally hold their opinion very valuable regarding the topic...
because it is assumed by all that some fake people can misuse the information provided by the particular person.
I think its not good to give our personal information on the internet unless it is very needy.
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