How to live when we found there is no reason to live....
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Life is ever exploring and it's the individul perception which differs.When a person forms an opinion like that it's difficult to pronounce judegement on it!
Live for the sake of your near and dear ones and it could be your daughter, your son, your ageing parents and may be your sweet heart!!! ;)
This is fallacious view arising from pseudo philosophical view that we have some purpose to live. You did not come to life out of your own free will. In fact. you got capacity to think and act a few years after birth. Hence, there is no meaning in 'purpose of life'. It is futile to look for 'reason to live'. You are just a tiny part of nature and should live according to nature.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

There are too many philosophical views while the fatalist would argue life is predestined but there are other schools who support individuals to lead lives on their terms!
There may not be a reason, but you have to find a reason to live, living for the welfare of other human beings is the biggest reason

when there is no reagion it means the world cannot exist if world exist ther wad a reason too.
Flowers don't live for a reason rather they live for a season....So, take life as it is and move along till that final day of life comes.
Each of us has a role assigned to us in the scheme of things of nature and let us play it!
we should think there could be a reason for what we are still alive.
If there is no reason for living you can live in the way you desire.

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