Which is the best source of energy?
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I would prefer you take diet that contains vitamins,proteins,fat and carbohydrates . These diets are good source of energy.

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Apart from good diet with proteins, vitamins etc a good work outs to make a person more energitic


Best source of energy is the sun itself.It supplies energy to all .

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Solar energy is best.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

All other energies in this earth are derived from Solar Energy.

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The best source of energy for human being is carbohydrate.. :woohoo: :woohoo:
Solar energy as it doesn't cost anything to human beings and also doesn't produce any waste material.

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hydrogen is the best source of energy. but its energy is very high and to make it usable it should be controlled to avoid the blast.
The best energy system is the solar energy.The best food to give instant energy is food containing carbohydrates.
human being - Best healthy diet is the best source of energy

Scientifically means - sun is the best source of energy that is solar energy

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