Who invented kiss?

Santosh Kumar Singh



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I would have loved to invent it!! No idea ! But hats off to the inventor!!
Ha ha very funniest question, kiss is just a basic instinctual needs that we feel to do....
May be the people who fell in love at first time , may had invented kiss.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

No idea, but it is a very good way of expressing your affection.

Arise Awake and Rest Not till the Goal is Achieved.
Kissing might be a learned or an instinctive behavior but no idea about who invented it. What can I say may be Adam and Eve played an important role here too...
I think it will be Adam the first man of Earth and the recipient Havva , the first lady of the earth.

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It is a million dollar question. Answer is very difficult to find out. Wonderful question indeed.
This is not an invention. This is a style of expression and part of body language. The expressions like glancing, embracing, licking etc. are not inventions but instinctive impulses.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

This is not an invention. This is a style of expression and part of body language. The expressions like glancing, embracing, licking etc. are not inventions but instinctive impulses.

You are right Gulshanji.But I think Santhosh asked who expressed it first.

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Yes Abid its write. Its not invention but who was first person who think this thing .

Santosh Kumar Singh



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