Religious or not, what's your best reason to think "God" might not exist

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I am religious and think God exist but we have to search him through pure heart and concentrate on him through mind. He certainly help us in difficult situations which we sometime forget to thank him.
You have to prove existence. To prove non existence is illogical and meaningless. There is no evidence of existence of God. Let the believers prove. Until they prove, God does not exist.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I am not religious. I love and respect all religion. I feel God is nothing but an ultimate power. We Hindus gave him a different shapes and christians worship to jesus and muslims worship alla but no shape. So therefore God is one. To my view religion should be common to all human beings that is humanity

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

I need proof before i believe in something in my life that the only reason.......
I am also religious and thing God belongs in everywhere and lives within every man.
I can't think that there is no God.I don't know how one can think so seeing the structure of this universe.

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I am not religious but have a strong belief that there is some super power present in the world (God).
god not only exist ut i can feel him sometimes along with me also. i am religious and feel his presence.
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