Whether RAM size is depend upon the Hard disk size? i have the doubt that RAM size is purely depend upon the HARD disk size?can you please clear my doubt.For example 500GB HARD disk ,i have put more than 2GB RAM?
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No harddisk not related to ram size but RAM depends upon the processor type and size. like processor type have limitation to support all type of RAM.

Santosh Kumar Singh



I agree with him.
The storage capacity of hard disk is different and storage capacity of RAM depends upon the processor type.
Ram size has nothing to do with hard disc rather it depends very much on the kind of motherboard you have and the type of operating system installed on it.

Mother board determines the quantity and the type of Ram you can install while if you have 32 bit OS you can install maximum of six GB ram and if you have 64 bit OS you can install higher GBs if only your mother board supports...
I agree with other members and want to add that RAM size should be more for graphics related application.
i will say as per knowledge : let say your hard disk size is 120GB , P4 processor and RAM 512MB.
if you were used space of your HARD disk is around 60GB, so obviously 50% space will be free no difficult will face. But once you were used space crossed 100GB you will face slow down process then once you upgrade your RAM from 512MB to 2GB you will never face difficult.so it shows that RAM and HARD Disk are interlinked .its just my though's and my think.
There is no such relation between RAM and Hard disk.For better performance high capacity RAM is required.

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yes as the higher the hard disk better ram is needed it is good to use one gb ram.
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