Starting schools in nook and corner of the city has become a booming business. As a parent, are you OK to pay the required donation(asked by the management) for getting your kid admitted to a very popular school in the city?
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There is no other option but to pay the donation. I am totally against the system of paying donation but if I refuse, my son won't be able to go to school!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

As a mother even my response is same as yours. But if everybody follow the same trend of paying the donation, will it not be made a part of the educational system? Sometimes, i think an intelligent child can learn in any environment but at the same time something says me am i doing the right thing of putting my child in a school which does not ask for donation?
Naga, we have to accept the fact that education has become a business, far from the noble profession that we used to be taught about and corruption is an integrated feature of this system, yes demanding and paying donation is corruption! But then to the best of my knowledge and research, at least in Pune, there is not even a single school that does not ask for donation. In some schools, only the word donation is replaced by some other thing like, Caution Money, Non-refundable deposit, etc.

Again, the schools that do not ask for donation are all government owned schools where the quality of education is a huge question mark, the teachers are all taken based on caste-based reservation quota, they are seriously lacking in merit and knowledge, so what are they going to teach children??

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

each and every parent want their child to be placed in the best school and wanted to have a good future to their children .Now education is a business no school is there to give admission without donations, so we have to pay the donations.

Naga, we have to accept the fact that education has become a business, far from the noble profession that we used to be taught about and corruption is an integrated feature of this system, yes demanding and paying donation is corruption! But then to the best of my knowledge and research, at least in Pune, there is not even a single school that does not ask for donation. In some schools, only the word donation is replaced by some other thing like, Caution Money, Non-refundable deposit, etc.

Again, the schools that do not ask for donation are all government owned schools where the quality of education is a huge question mark, the teachers are all taken based on caste-based reservation quota, they are seriously lacking in merit and knowledge, so what are they going to teach children??

I agree with this. Education Institutions have become good source of income for the buinessmen. Parents pay huge course fees for less education to their children. Students are not taught properly in schools. There is partiality and biasness. Ultimately, students look for private tutors to pass in exams. We are buying marks with money.
In present trend education has became a big business. But parents what they can do.they want their children to have best education so they need to pay the donation.But i feel this should change.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

In present trend education has became a big business. But parents what they can do.they want their children to have best education so they need to pay the donation.But i feel this should change.
In my home town, there is a school called timpany. when i was in school age at the time people used to buy the seat for their kids when the kid in her womb.The donation also very high for this school and even education is excelent

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

This is a very unfair practice. Such practices favor the rich and disfavor the meritorious poor. These practices need be ruthlessly curbed.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

[quote]This is a very unfair practice. Such practices favor the rich and disfavor the meritorious poor. These practices need be ruthlessly curbed. [/quote]\

Which why the vision of many leaders, Education to all, has remained a distant dream till date! Also, the reason why corruption is on rise.

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

People who have money can afford to donation. But what is the case of poor people who struggle hard for their daily bread? Is it not creating a situation that good education is only for people who have money?
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