Friends many of us use abbreviation in almost all cases. Do you think this is justified?
Some abbreviations are made by us for sending sms and e-mail. Are they legal?
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there is means of legal in sending sms and personal mails ya but we must keep this point in mind if we are dealing in organizing level.
I agree with isha that organization do not permit sometime so we should concentrate on that aspect before sending. I somehow do not like the abbreviation language normally followed now-a-days as it will make us forget spelling and also grammar etc.
As dealing with professional level,its not correct and that we need to keep in mind. There we didn't get the good impressions.

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In personal mail or massage its ok ,but we should not use these in official work.
the abbreviations which are made by us and send in the messages, sms and mails are should not the used in professional works or mails or messages. as they are not professional one.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Devyani, using the abbreviated language as is used in SMS is not legal, it was mainly invented out of necessity to convey as much as possible in such a short space as is available on text messaging systems. But in my opinion, such language is appropriate only for that purpose, ie, sending an SMS, and not more. Unfortunately it is now being used in every other way, email, written communications etc,. which is not appropriate and is anyway killing the English language. It is also better to avoid such abbreviated forms in official communications.

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Thank you said by: ajay
It is okay to use the authorized or such abbreviations as are commonly used. But we should not create our own abbreviation that are not understood by others. Use of abbreviations saves time and space and is desirable when commonly understood.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

In case of formal and business communications, abbreviations should never be used. But yes, these days it has become a trend to use abbreviations due to increasing use of mobile phones and SMSs. I see lot of college going students on mobile phones most of the time typing messages. This has caused adverse effect on students. Now, they don't even remember the actual spellings of most of the words.
In case of formal and business communications, abbreviations should never be used. But yes, these days it has become a trend to use abbreviations due to increasing use of mobile phones and SMSs. I see lot of college going students on mobile phones most of the time typing messages. This has caused adverse effect on students. Now, they don't even remember the actual spellings of most of the words.

There is nothing wrong in using the well recognized and understood abbreviations even in official or business correspondence.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Thank you said by: ajay
yes right for example we use PFA for please find the attachments . this is common abbreviation used in office.
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