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Devyani when internet is not avaialble with us , then cyber cafe is only source with us and everyone cannot purchase laptops and notebooks

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Such kind of hard drives can put our data in insecure hands so we must beware about them.
One is rightly advised to be extra cautious in cyber cafes!
people should n't depend on police for everytype of security or wait for police help they should keep themselves safe by their own we are educated people we can do atleast it for ourselves.
Every one must take care of their own data.Police will not take care some times we must be beware of this ones.

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But the person who is in hurry won't have much time to check the pins and pin holes.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Yes, we need to take certain precautions while using the net from cyber cafes to avoid some ugly circumnstances in the future.
thanks fo\r d info buddy :)
I am very glad to you to share such type of information where you instruct us how to prevent our data.
There are certain things in life which we give less importance and sometimes do pay penalty for it. Thanks to the initiator of the thread for making us aware about it. I am definitely take care about it and inform the same to my near and dear ones...!
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