Having chat feature in this site allow members to talk to moderators or members to clarify any doubts. what you all think?
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Venkateswara Rao,

The chat feature was already there before but the admin found that it is not useful so he disabled it. Many people previously asked to enable it but the PM feature is similar to that so it is not enabled. :)
PM feature,as stated by rajani is already there so we don't need a chat feature.

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@ venkateshwar rao

if chat feature is there means no need of forums section.

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Chat forums are good as well as bad for a site. People would obviously interact more but than it could also invited unprecidented debates among members and moderators which could create unhealthy situations for the site. As it is, this forum feature is good for all of us.
The PM feature enables seeking answer from anyone. The chat facility requires that the concerned member/ moderator are online simultaneously. Hence chat is not feasible.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

If there is a chat feature then no one will work they just chat and waste their time

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

This system is very good ie forum ,so no need of chat system.

Chat feature will not be that useful and to get any doubts cleared, there is PM feature.
Actually Chatting is not necessary. We discuss doubts in forums. Chatting is just wastage of time. We are here for money.
Yes, it is due to that reason is not enable and i think already members are comfortable with PM feature.
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