Google has redesigned its Movies page on YouTube to show off its ever-growing collection of Indian movies with more style, according to an announcement on the official Google India blog.

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Thank you for the information. This will help movie lovers. But please provide link for such news.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Its very good. Google is more advanced now. Everyday it brings some changes to make itself more fast than others.
@ Gulshan ji

Here it the link for you.

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Thanks for the new updation of google. feel good hear about this.Google even purchasing yahoo also

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Nice to know that and i think people will get more information now.

Is the news confirm or it is planning to take yahoo.
google has become the uncrowned kings of internet.they rule evry fields with google plus,youtube,gmail,adsense......

It didnt become , it is already a king. As it is the best of all. In this world now Google has become other name of internet

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Great news for Hindi movie lovers. I too would be keen to watch them on youtube.
You are right sarala but google is concentrated on future also this one has a tough competetion from yahoo now he is the only king in the internet.

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google and yahoo are competitors of each others. yahoo can not be ready to sold up in hands of google.
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