48% cancers due to tobacco chewing.
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It is a bare fact that cancer through tobacco chewing is on the rise and the youths are very much involved with it. They should realize how much damage it causes to their health and sometimes even it results in death. Tobacco should be avoided in any form for better living and a better society...!
still there is a craze for these products all over the world.its like knowing that you are going to hell and still jumping.
Tobacco causes to burning of teeth and converts it into ashes and also caffine present in it leads to damage of body cells.
chewing tobacco is a very bad habit and more and more people are falling prey to this habit formation. Mostly people from rural areas and workers are in the habit of chewing tobacco. Education about the ill-effects of this habits should be given to them.
Tobbacco this is the main reason now a days for causing cancer.It is better to away from it.

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So we should aware people not to take any tobacco products.

Not only due to chewing even due to smoking of tobacco mostly in villages they smoke tobacco by keep fire side into their mouth. this causes mouth cancer

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

not only chewing tobbacco but feeling the smell from others also cause cancer for us.

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Tobacco chewing is dangerous for health, is a very known fact but there are few people who actually understand the meaning of warning written on tobacco packets and can refrain from chewing it.
This is very harmfull chewing of it causes mouth cancer .

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