What are the different traits that keeps harmonious to the family?
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Love and understanding keeps harmony in the family. This would automatically makes all members to sacrifice something for each other.
Definitely, the strong foundation of love and selflessness among members help a family not only to stay together but even flourish and bloom in the future...!
Love, understanding and care for each other's need and feelings bring harmony. There is a proverb- If you love me, love my dog. This means that when you accept some body, you must also accept the shortcomings. remember a song- unke gam bhi mujh ko aziz hen yeh unhi ki dee hui cheej hai. (I like even the hurt as this is given by him)

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

What is meant by trait. I heard but never known the meaning of it. can anyone clear the doubt please

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

love and understanding each other is enough to solve any issues that may arise between any 2 persons...
love, understanding and most importantly the maturity to handle things when there is controversy over any matter in home. and i liked gulshanji's reply the best-if you love me, love my dog!! wow.
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