How is your feeling about the plastic bin in every house.

The companies will collect the plastic wastes and recycle it.

How is this idea.

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yes,its a good idea. This would reduce the pollution level. The plastic waste would reduce and that is good for us.

Want to make each day Accountable

Thank you ronark but how to implement this to whom i must know about this.

If they agree the companies willl agree or not.

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I had thought that this idea is already been started by many companies.

Want to make each day Accountable

this idea is good..but implementing it will be one hell of a job....
But there is no news any where of this.Can you say to us which companies are doing this.

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yes this is good and important initiative if companies collect plastic from homes and recycle it without causing any pollution.
thats a good idea. The companies initiative work is appreciable

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

that's a good idea. it will hep in keeping environment clean and city green.
Recycling the dust which is collected is good one as plastic won't get dumped or burried in the ground

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Sasi, your idea is good.
already in Tamil nadu the government is collecting the daily wastes from each and every home and it has been dumped on one place and many small companies are their, they will send poor people to collect all plastics and they will sell to the companies and they are recycleing as plastic bottles, box and lot many.

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