Dear members as every body know Global warming is the main issue right now.
so we all Boddunan members lets take initiation to use solar energy products such as lights and cooker, It is little bit expensive but after long period of its use people can save money.

I just want to give a small suggesation.
29th april is the the day when Boddunan is going to complete 1 year.

If Boddunan will give a solar light as gift to its top active members then that will be better gift.

As it cost little higher lets work more and more so that Boddunan can earn some extra money and they can gift something to its top contribute members.

give suggesations
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good idea boss

Click the below link for news which you can use:NeWsYoUCaNUsE
A very good idea and all of them will certainly help on this....


Your one click makes their day, please help them:
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