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Actually people are so involved with complicated things that they are forgetting the basic rules of doing simple things. They can solve Rubens cube but cant solve how to solve small problems, nothing to worry this is very small problem that you can solve easily.

Do you know to solve a Rubens cube???
I really want to know it.

Another simple thing, I don't know how to do. You might wonder.
I don't know to insert a sim card to a mobile. :laugh: :laugh:

Meera sandhu
sasi Problems are nothing but got examination and they are created to let us know the value of our happiness

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Sometimes I can't see things in front of my eyes and spend much time for searching...particularly in kitchen
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :woohoo:

Meera sandhu
I think these are called our weekness.But all of them can overcome if you work in some social groups.

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I think these are called our weekness.But all of them can overcome if you work in some social groups.

Even then....we may be able to big tasks, yet can't do many of the simple ones in perfect manner. How many of you can tell, I don't have the problem of forgetting things. :)

Meera sandhu
I can't speak much even if i know the person in front of me is wrong i don't argue him i just listens and let it go.
I cant able to sleep well if i left my work unfinished :(

That is one very good habit that you have, that makes you so responsible towards your job. So nice of you.

I love this free image hosting site for sharing my work

That is one very good habit that you have, that makes you so responsible towards your job. So nice of you.

Is it so that if you don't speak when you know the person in front of you is speaking wrong and you let him speak helps in job. :laugh:

hehehe of course it helps in the case of BOSS. :laugh:
the family in which mother and father working, they wont get time to do small things like cleaning their car,paying phone bill, parking bill, power bill, getting things from market etc.

For such things there are few companies who will do all these small things for you

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

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