Can babies in the womb will have dreams or not? :blink: :blink: :blink:

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Dreams reflect your life experience. As a child in womb has not seen outside world, and brain also is undeveloped, he will not dream.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I have seen some ultrasound images of babies in womb where they change their facial expression in every frame but I am not sure if they have the ability to dream inside mother's womb.

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But the real fact is that the babies in the womb will dream. Yesterday I saw the show in national geographic channel In the womb. They shown about this.

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That is very much possible, although there dreams must be totally different from the persons who experience while they are out of their mothers' wombs.

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Yes i think they do see dreams and the most common dream they see would be they come out of the womb. :laugh:
Dreams take shape basically in mind, the brain of the babies in womb starts taking shape in a certain age and that is the basic cause of their dreams.

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[quote]Dreams take shape basically in mind, the brain of the babies in womb starts taking shape in a certain age and that is the basic cause of their dreams.[/quote]
Yes it is true and achild may dream.
But the real fact is that the babies in the womb will dream. Yesterday I saw the show in national geographic channel In the womb. They shown about this.

Oh! :woohoo: this is really a new information for me.

if child can dream in the womb also than i guess they might be dreaming about their world i mean that at that time the mother's womb is there world so they might be having dreams about it.

Yes,it's possible for one in the womb to dream in the unique way.
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