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Yes.. A single lie can break any solid relationship.. So better tell the truth than losing the relationship.

ANDROIOS: http://androios-tweaks.blogspot.com
Telling lie in any relationship create differences in each other.
We should not lie to any one.It can break relations.So we should be very honest while keeping the relation.

Sharmistha Banerjee
This is very true. A single lie statement can break our good relationship. So, Must try to tell truth.

Be positive
very true...
Lying speaks of lack of trust. When there is no trust, what remains in a relationship?
Yes you are right trust is the first to make the relationship successful
We should not lie until it hampers anybodies anything.

That's very true relationships are based on the faith which are broken once you tell lies and are caught. Its not that lies are not caught they are caught though they may take time. :blink:
Faith in any relationship takes a long time but a lie broke a relationship in a second
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