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I think real friend will be truthful all the time. Its not only at the time of anger.
That means we have to help other to get angry to know the truth.

That means we have to help other to get angry to know the truth.

Ram, dont try this and spoil the good relation that you have.
That means we have to help other to get angry to know the truth.

Ram, dont try this and spoil the good relation that you have.

No I will not try as the result may be something else.

No I disagree with it sometimes people say what they should when they are in anger and afterwards they repent for it so we must think before saying anything to anyone and should avoid repenting afterwards. Moreover if someone say something absurd in ager we should ignore it and let him/her calm down and then talk to him/her. :)
That means we have to help other to get angry to know the truth.

That is a ntural reaction, you don't have to try for it. It comes out in moment of heat.

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That means we have to help other to get angry to know the truth.

Anger is spontaneous. There are some very nice ways to get truth.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Anger that emerges out of jealousy will not speak the truth.
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