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My expectation is that 25 or 30 members can get revenue sharing.. B)

Vijay U
Today is only 3rd day and already one member has reached at 200 points and 1 member has crossed 1000 points so i hope more than 30 will be this month Revenue share holder
This month many can achieve it.But due to Exams many may be offline also.
I expect the members count will increase... may be 25 members next month!
So that each member may get Rs. 50/- odd.

Thanks 'n' Regards,
What about March month's revenue share. When will it be disclosed?

Click the below link for news which you can use:NeWsYoUCaNUsE
@Jayen..Check your account... it is credited
It is announced already.. Rs 100/= for each eligible member..

Software Engineers never die...They just go offline.
The attempt should be to increase the revenue by writing quality content using suitable key words. If total revenue increases, revenue share per member will increase. Otherwise it will decrease.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Hi guys do not forget me as i was busy with some personal works so i was not able to be online for most of the days in the month of march and so this time i will surely be one of the contenders for revenue sharing and so on.......
you are most welcome deivigan to participate in revenue share.
Boddunan also has introduce double revenue share for getting 4000 points so lets start your work to get double revenues share this month
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