Pablo Picasso, the celebrated Artist says, when he was a child, he wanted to paint. But, when he grew up, he wanted to paint like an elder.
Pablo Picasso was influenced by the innocent creativity of children and the African Tribal art, that was free from external influences. Those children were endowed with free thinking. This trait, he says is the elementary requisite of a true Artist.

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anyone who is curious and in a hurry to act, is a potential artist. a child is a natural artist. The rats are also artists. Once an artist wanted to make an excellent art piece. He just let rats run on his canvas. The image created by the rats was very nice abstract art.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

anyone who is curious and in a hurry to act, is a potential artist. a child is a natural artist. The rats are also artists. Once an artist wanted to make an excellent art piece. He just let rats run on his canvas. The image created by the rats was very nice abstract art.

Even spiders are also good artists. We can see how beautifully, they weave the web . It's only natural and inherent talent that ultimately stands out.
Picasso was a realistic painter through his childhood itself. He is known for his periodic paintings.
Picasso was a realistic painter through his childhood itself. He is known for his periodic paintings.

He's the inventor of a rare painting genre known as 'Cubism.' The idea of Cubism was sparked from a hint given by a child.
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