It's an undeniable fact, power of technology can improving the quality of lives

Why technology needs to embrace senior citizens too ?

Barbara Beskind is the oldest member of the human-centred design team, IDEO, in Silicon Valley. Here are her views.


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Well we all are aware of the fact that the power of technology can do.  The very good example of its is we are writing are reviews and the different different people of other state can see them online. How good it is 

bhuyali saroj

There are a plethora of uses that technology can help in making the life easier.


Yes technology has helped the human being on earth to improve its living. Technology made the life easy. We can complete our day to day tasks easily with the help of technology.

It goes without saying that senior citizens by reason of sheer old age are physically weak.  Here technology comes to their aid.  Vehicle for movement, hearing aid for ears, glasses for eyes and so on.  In olden times, there were sons like shravan Kumar to help parents. Now technology is 'shravan kumar' to senior citizens. 

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Thank you said by: rambabu
Gulshan Kumar Ajmani wrote:

It goes without saying that senior citizens by reason of sheer old age are physically weak.  Here technology comes to their aid.  Vehicle for movement, hearing aid for ears, glasses for eyes and so on.  In olden times, there were sons like shravan Kumar to help parents. Now technology is 'shravan kumar' to senior citizens. 

An apt comparison with Sravankumar of olden days and the Technology power of modern studies. Now with Modern technology even senior citizens also can do wonders sitting in the cozy comforts of their homes.


Of course there is no denying the fact that technology has improved our lifestyle in many many ways and age does not matter..Many people who are old, deformed and bed ridden are able to manage by themselves because of the  comfort that is available because of improved technology. For everyone life and lifestyle has changed tremendously in the past 2 decades..

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Unlike earlier days, when the only alternative for senior citizens was Rudrakhamala , today Technology opened new avenues for the senior citizens for whiling away their time in a fruitful way.


Technology makes life fast and convenient. It is meant for all, irrespective of their age. But many old people keep away from them, may be due to a feeling that it is indomitable for them in this later stage. Flexibility in use makes technology more popular in young as well as old.

Many senior citizens think that their life is over and there is no need to for adventures like Technology utilization. It is far from truth. I know many ( This includes me )who are utilizing the fruits of technology and reaping the fruits of technology. This is the best way for Senior citizens to use their experience in a most fruitful way. It is far better than sitting idle and ruminating about the past. This type of attitude may lead to many physical disorders. My Philosophy is work as long as you can.


Technology has made it possible for average humans to lead very rich lives which otherwise would have been mundane. IT has made it possible for sr citizens to have better control on their finances and investments. Heath sector has also benefited to a fantastic extent and longevity of life is a proof of it. Education sector has  seen technological advances. One can go on and on. Yes technological advances keep happening all the time.

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