Should Indian Government give attention to other games also and provide sufficient funds to players.
It may be possible number of abhinav bindras are in our country and they can't perform their economical conditions, Take an example of Vijender Singh He belongs to middle class family,if he was provided full facilities by government he may won the medal(Gold).

Kapil Verma
Website Developer
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kapil you are right our government are only looking for the cricket they not give any attention to other game still we have a good player for other sports activities.
i will vote to yes. along with cricket other games should be preferred in india by govt.
I agree with you. Many sportsmen are starving with medals. This is wrong.
Yes, Government should give attention to other sports

Government should give attention to all sports But media is running behind cricket only.
government should start pension plan for old players as they have contributed in making the name of country popular.
Yes the government should help to other games also they are not showing intrest on the other games except cricket.

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