When we are all discussing the positives of a hearty laugh I have chanceed upon the views of an Austrllian psychologist Professor Joe Forgas who opines that it is good to be grumpy and he feels that negative moods trigger more careful thinking,paying greater attention to the external world!
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There is a silver lining in clouds. This is the point made by the psychologists. Nothing is without bright and dark side both. So negative mood has also some virtues. This could be correct. Being always in good mood may have similarly a darker side. That is why we need balancing among opposites all the time. successful and happy life is nothing but harmony between conflicting options, moods and views.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

If it is going to result in some creative thinking and new ideas, then it is okay to be grumpy at all times, or else it will only result in people ending up hating you and that is not good!!! :)

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

That's an interesting theory by the psychologist.If it helps our thinking to improve,we can be grumpy at some times.

May be that grumpy psychologist loved by all!!
Yes our mind requires all types of activities to be active.

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