ADB pegs India's economic growth at 8.2 %
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) today said its expects the country's economy to grow by 8.2 per cent, which is less than projected by the government and the Reserve Bank of India (RBI).

"Our view is that the 8.2 per cent growth forecast for India and the 7.9 per cent for Asia this year will sustain. The recovery (from the global downturn) and the growth rate in the continent has been better than in other areas," ADB Managing Director General Rajat Nag said here today.

ADB had earlier this month upgraded its growth forecast for Asia to 7.9 per cent for 2010, up from 7.5 per cent projected in April, while keeping the forecast for India unchanged at 8.2 per cent. The ADB forecast is way behind the 9.4-9.5 per cent forecast made this month by the IMF, while the government and RBI expect the economy to grow by at least 8.5 per cent in this fiscal.

Complimenting India and China for playing a pro-active role in implementing fiscal stimulus and monetary stimulus to tide over the crisis, ADB said the Asian countries acted together in emerging from the downturn.

He said Asian countries need to re-look their model of trade which had relied on exports to a very large extent and called upon these countries, including India, to boost domestic consumption. "Although Asia fared better than many other parts of the world, the crisis did have a detrimental effect on growth and anti-poverty agenda," he said.
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