Germans consider India's national language as the best medium of communication with the large section of Asian community.
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This is the news given by Ashutosh Agarwal,First secretary of Indian Embassy that the number of students in the universities studying sanskrit has reduced from 100 to a count of 40.
that's a very good news that hindi the national language of india is getting popular in german.....thanks for sharing lakshmi....

:woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:
Sanskrit went to behind the screens, ever since 1750 CE, when regional languages started becoming popular, thanks to the way European printing presses, which made their way into India.
I dont know how much of the people in India know our National Language. :( :( .In tamilnadu, I am sure the count would be less.
i never knew that german people were interested in sanskrit at the first place.. good information.
yes lakshmi you are right In tamilnadu, the count would be less. very few know hindi in tamil nadu...even if they know they don't prefer to speak in hindi..

:woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:
Sanskrit was always popular among the German scholars and now Hindi is gaining popularity - it's good to know.
It should be made mandatory that every citizen of india must know our national language "Hindi".
I think coercive methods should not be adopted to popularize any language.In a multi-lingual society like ours learning of any language of other states should be encouraged.
but don't u people feel that all the languages used today. hindi,marathi,gujrati etc have been derived form Sanskrit??
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