A Tamil song has been written using words from 24 different languages and sung by many singers.Some of the actors also have sung few lines of this song.Another significant thing is they have taken the scenes for the different languages in the respective places where they are spoken. The film is directed by Vijay Adhitya who has directed many advertisements.

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I want to watch and listen this song. Thanks Meen for sharing it.
I remember, there is a very old hindi song which also used many languages.

This song belong to the Tamil movie "Eesal" it is sung by 24 different singers.

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Is this true? I have hear about this movie and i guess it was released in 2009. But never heard of this thing..Thanks for sharing meean.
Thanks for the information,Meean. I have not listen to this song before.
Wow.. thats nice.... Want to listen to this song..... Can anyone get me with the link here....

Thanks 'n' Regards,
It is the nature of Tamil song to adopt words from other languages.I had heard many songs with English words.

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