I have the 5000 point in my account but i cannot take award og reveniue .why........
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You receive revenue on per month basis. You have to earn minimum 1000 points in a month to get your share.
If you earn 2000 point in a month then you will get revenue share.

Santosh Kumar Singh



Chandan, you have excluded from revenue sharing of last month because of violating boddunan terms including but not limited to spamming, unusual posting of responses etc.

Please participate with genuine participation and get the revenue for this month. All the best.

When opportunity is in front of you, don't hesitate to catch it. It will never come to you again. - Maverick

Restriction is required to improve quality of contents. I do not post if I do not have good contents.

Santosh Kumar Singh



I am sorry ,chandan.I wish you all the best for next time.Please adhere to the rules of the site!!!. :) :)
Well Chandan I hope if rules are followed correctly by you next time you will receive the revenue sharing. All the best :)
I had informed many times about your postings in forums.But you neglected.Now the punishment came.

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I am sorry for what happened to you and next time try to contribute in forums with good valid points and you will surely get your share next month. Try to follow the rules and regulations of Boddunan.

its always good to follow the rules and regulations, whatever may be the field..
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