what is d meaning of life???
Life itself has no meaning,Life is an OPPORTUNITY to create a MEANING''....
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ya I'm agree with you Ravishanakar .. Life itself has no meaning...
We have to create our own life..How to create it depends on we...
The meaning of life is defined by how do we live,our way of living.
Life just happens. Nobody has made his own life. As such, life has no meaning or purpose. What we experience is tat everyone wants happiness. So, being happy and making others happy should be our object.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Life itself has no meaning but there is a meaning in our existence....Love, friendship and human relations gives meanings to our lives while cruelty, pain and agony just the other side of it...
Life is the journey of how to living in this world and how well you set the life of yours........
I agree with Ajay,
Yes life is a journey and God sent human to this world with a purpose, to find the purpose and lead life according to that is life.


Thank you said by: ajay
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