Can We lose 5-10 Kg in one Month? If so how?
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Yes. This is possible. Reducing diet and more physical work will reduce weight.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Yes, this is possible and one can do it under the guidance and supervision of a physical trainer.
If you are too heavy you can easily lose 5-10 Kg per month through fasting.

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yes it is possible but it will made your body more weak so no need to do it just take care about the diet and exercise daily.
Yes you can easily lose 5 kgs in one month, but bit difficult to lose after 5 kgs. You can lose by not consuming carbohydrates like rice and sugar, and by walking for atleast 1 hour you can easily lose

Yes,it is possible.But,scientists have proven that sudden reduce of weight is very bad for health.
It's possible to shed that the normal way but none should make any extraordinary attempt to achieve it!
Its possible by doing hard exercise which is related to weight loosing you will get success please contact to Baba Ramdev sivir

Santosh Kumar Singh


By removing or at least reducing fats from your diet along with brisk walk or jogging and doing other exercises to burn more calories might give you success in this endeavor.

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