What is the best way to help others who are very much in need of the same?
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Help others in a way that they will not need help again. Help them to help themselves.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Try to help people how much you can. never go beyond your limit and get problems

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

There are so many ways to help but money plays important role in this matter....
I think every way you can help others is the best way to help them and people need help very much when they are in any sort of problems...
First it's necessary to figure out what the help is about and then your position to provide the same!
Before helping anyone, once try to think about your capability. do you have enough money to survive then you need help others. I mean in case of money help

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

if it is possible that with your available resources you can help the needy person you should do then even i also help others if it is possible to me.
helping others is great thing. there is a saying "if we help human, that is nothing but serving god". So according to our capability how much we can help we can help others

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

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