Any wrong doing and unnecessary violence is called sin. But there is also a concept of 'original sin'. It is said that we are all born with original sin. What is original sin and how we all are said to be born with this.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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Cheating your heart is called original sin in my thought.I think all will agree this.

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Sasikanth, you may cheat your heart only after your birth and gaining consciousness. It is said that we are born with original sin. Please try to explain this.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

telling lie to others and with yourself is also can be a original sin.
"..But there is also a concept of 'original sin'. It is said that we are all born with original sin...."

Am totally new to this information.

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The original sin was committed by the first men on earth , Adam. He was told by god not to eat an apple of a particular tree, which he ate and the apple was stuck in his throat.All men are born with this apple in throat.This is the original sin.
Original sin is said to be committed by Adam which led to the transmission of death and the hereditary diseases to his decedents.

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great . here all are talking something strange . i have never heard it yet. thanks to all for sharing about sin.
I have realized it but it was done without my presence.
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