Why muslim lady should cover themself especially face with burka?
What is the story behind it?

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I think there is no story behind it ,this is a religious matter.

Islam originated in Arab countries. Even men there wear cloak covering whole body and only face is visible. Burqua is also a sort of cloak and this covers the entire body including face. The veil (Burqua) has a naqab(web) that enables women to see.

Dress is for covering body and safety. Burqua is suitable for Purdah observing women. Muslim women are supposed to observe Purdah and hence Burqua suits them.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Yes, Gulshan kumar ji is right, women were burqua to cover the body and for the safety, and as no men can see her.


I think its a part of their religion . But it is a mere custom to cover up the faces.
In muslim religion,they not only cover face and body but also their hair.
In muslim religion,they not only cover face and body but also their hair.

Covering face is more peculiar than hair. Many cover hair with cap, hat or Dupatta.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Islam has a definite dress code.tHE DRESS CODE FOR WOMEN IS that covering her full body except the palms and face.

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There is a rule in their religion that they must cover their face with burkha.
i think it is a custom to them so they might be wearing it.

As is the case in most Islamic countries, it is important for women to cover as much of their body as possible in loose clothing.

They called hijab, (Burakha).to Islamic head-covering.

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